The story behind the new name...
Ignite Lab (aka Not a Chicken Incubator) is the new name for Loyola University Chicago’s virtual incubator. Before choosing a name, we wanted to make sure the students had a say in the naming process. So, we conducted four separate naming events on Loyola’s Lake Shore, Water Tower, and Health Science Campus. We provided the students with several options and also encouraged them to be creative and make up their own. After the events, we tallied the results. We had some very creative write-ins, and the most popular choice was Ignite.
Ignite is a solid choice that inspires entrepreneurship and relates back to the Jesuit ideals of Loyola. We felt by tweaking it slightly to Ignite Lab, the name was perfect for our newly created incubator. We also incorporated a funny suggestion by a student: Not a Chicken Incubator. This will serve as a clever tagline that will attract attention. In many ways, the story behind Ignite Lab (aka Not a Chicken Incubator) is the ultimate entrepreneurial collaboration.