Do you need MARKETING STRATEGY help?
Inviting start-ups for a consulting opportunity with Quinlan MBA Entrepreneurial Marketing students at Loyola University Chicago. This is a 10-week project and the final deliverables are a marketing plan and a presentation. The focus in this class is on the bigger picture business model of the venture and specifically the marketing challenges associated with that. For both the venture and the students to benefit from this project, some flexibility on your part is needed to challenge the basic value proposition of your venture.
Ideal Client: (*Ignite Lab Rockets and Explorers will be given priority*)
· Early stage startup with high growth intentions
· Had made a credible commitment to the business but not entered into growth phase yet
· Knows the product / service they want to offer but unsure about the customer
Expectations from the Client:
· Be open to conversation / challenges to your fundamental value proposition and marketing strategy decisions
· Do not ask MBA students to make sales calls or other routine / unskilled tasks
· Attend three class sessions and meet with students regularly during the course
· There is no financial cost to the venture to participate; however, if you allocate a marketing budget for expenses the students are more likely to deliver concrete results
Deliverables to the Client:
· The marketing plan is usually fifteen to twenty pages long and is due the end of the quarter in November.
· Marketing strategy presentation on November 5th
· Information Session with candidates at 1871 Loyola Suite
· One-pagers due from interested candidates
· Professor presents finalists to students for their voting
· Professor informs the clients who the students have chosen to work with
· Clients visit class for presentation and project scope discussion
· Big picture presentation to the client
· Final marketing plan presentations
If you think your venture might benefit from this experience and would like to learn more, please attend an information session or contact Dr. Ugur Uygur ( with any questions.
More class options coming soon!